Tuesday, May 22, 2007

This Pale Cavern

Smoke darkened roofs
This old skull
Forum for my soul

An empty lantern
In darkness

The old tree
The family

By the creek
On the stones
Words overturned

A Saint's preocupation
Rippled rhymes

Then the stumbling
Discovery of the bone
And laughter

Rings around the bone
Carved by human hand
Images of god

The whispers in the web
Singing of silver fish
These deep dreams

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lord Stay Sweet

Like honey
Like cream
Like a dog's paw
Like a cold beer
Like candy
Like a peach
Like a hot shower
Like an hour in bed
Like a cry
Like a kiss
Like your skin
Like a lick
Like honey in your belly
Like sugar in your mouth
Like cream on your thighs
Like a dog's paw on your bed
Like a cold beer after a hard fuck
Like candy on your tongue
Like a peach in my palm
Like a hot shower deep inside you
Like an afternoon in your bed
Like the cry in my ear
Like a kiss on your spine
Like a lick on your hip
Like honey between your lips
Like sugar dissolving in your eyes
Like cream creaming in my hand
Like a dog's paw sleeping twitches
Like a cold beer after a slow fuck
Like candy in your soft hand
Like a peach split open
Like a hot shower after coming
Like a year in your bed
Like your soft cry in my mind
Like a kiss I can't remember
because it was so goddamned good
and so goddamned sweet
Like the breath of god breathing in
as I am dying again and again